Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 101)

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

CAP is featured in a brand new documentary, “The Debt Saviours”, airing on Friday 5 October at 9pm on BBC2. John Kirkby, founder of CAP says “I’m delighted that what they’ve produced is a testament to the love and goodness of God at work through his local Church.” This charity is supported by several people in the church. Could we do more?

Harvest Festival: offerings

Harvest Festival: please bring any offerings of groceries or garden produce to church, either on Saturday 6th October from 9 a.m. or to the Thanksgiving Service on 7th. The gifts will go to “Matthew’s Table” at The Elim Church for the provision of wholesome soups and meals for the needy.

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: The housebound and lonely. Decisions to be taken about long-term care Continuing recovery for those who have been ill. Adrian and Annie John, Tracey and the family of Jenny Wright whose funeral was on Monday

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: John , Tracey and the family of Jenny Wright For Liam and Charlotte whose wedding was yesterday Adrian and Annie – Adrian had broken his foot and will be on crutches for 6 weeks. Please contact Adrian if you are able to help walk the dog or can provide a meal.( 703159). The housebound and lonely. Those…

Sermons – some good news!

Sermons, uploaded to the website, can now be heard on iPhones, iPads, android ‘phones, MACs etc and not just desktop PCs.  This is because the coding in the app,used to upload sermons, has been updated at last! So, happy listening.  

Harvest Supper

The Harvest Supper will be held on October 5th in the Village Hall at 6:30 for 7 p.m. Tickets are now  available, price £6 adult and £3 children under 11 years old, from June Allen (Tel:772343) Please book your choice of Hot, Cold or Vegetarian options. June would also be very grateful for prizes for the Raffle.