Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 102)

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: The housebound and lonely. Those receiving medical care. Decisions to be taken about long-term care Continuing recovery for those who have been ill. Frances, Brenda, Maurice, Doris. Adrian and Annie – Adrian had broken his foot and will be on crutches for 6 weeks. Please contact Adrian if you are able to help walk the dog or…

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: The housebound and lonely. Those receiving medical care. Decisions to be taken about long-term care Continuing recovery for those who have been ill. Frances, Brenda, Maurice, Doris, Joan, Joyce. Brenda has now moved to the Pilgrim Care Home, near her daughter at Wantage Adrian and Annie – Adrian had broken his foot and will be on crutches…

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: The housebound and lonely. Those receiving medical care. Decisions to be taken about long-term care Continuing recovery for those who have been ill. Frances, Brenda, Maurice, Doris, Joan, Joyce. Adrian and Annie – Adrian had broken his foot and will be on crutches for 12 weeks. If you are able to help walk the dog – please…

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: The housebound and lonely. Those receiving medical care. Decisions to be taken about long-term care Continuing recovery for those who have been ill. Frances, Brenda, Maurice, Doris, Joan, Joyce.

Greenbelt 2018

Greenbelt 2018 – A small glimpse of the offerings at Greenbelt; a festival with a difference. 20 different venues within the village hosting talks, performing arts, music, gathering places, theatre, play areas, a place to pray and reflect, visual arts, partners’ venues, outdoor worship space and much, much more. [scrollGallery id = 69]

Home Group anyone?

Have you considered joining a Home Group to study the Bible, pray together and be encouraged in deepening your faith? We are planning to start some groups in the autumn – if you are interested, then please sign up on the clipboard on the side table.  

Annual Donations for Parents at the John Radcliffe Children’s Hospital.

Mothers’ Union are collecting for the families of children admitted to the Children’s Hospital this month. Items needed: Drinks sachets, snack packs of biscuits, toiletries of all kinds, toothpaste & brushes, combs, shampoo, tissues, soap etc. Also colouring & sticker books & crayons for siblings. There will be a box in church. More information from Meg Roberts.