Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 103)

Planning Notice for mobility scooter park

We currently have two members of the congregation who use mobility scooters and the only disabled access is along the path from the south gate. At present the scooters are left at the gate and the individuals have to walk the 25m to the South Door. We have applied for Planning Consent to create a 2m x 2m parking area by the…

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – The housebound and lonely. – Those receiving medical care. – Decisions to be taken about long-term care – Continuing recovery for Frances – Annie and Adrian Walsh to resolve provision of Carers for Annie. – Maurice and Doris following his operation

Equipping for Life – Diocese of Oxford

THE DIOCESE OF OXFORD EQUIPPING FOR LIFE   Who are these courses for? These courses are for those training as Licensed Lay Ministers or for ordination, and also a growing number of people with a passion to simply learn more about their faith, about God and our place in his world.      What level?  Will I cope? You don’t need qualifications or prior…

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – The housebound and lonely. – Those receiving medical care. – Decisions to be taken about long-term care – Kim and Adam whose Banns we read today – Continuing recovery for Frances

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: the housebound and lonely those receiving medical care decisions to be taken about long term care Kim and Adams whose Banns were read today continuing recovery for Frances and Libby

Christian Aid Week

Many thanks to all who contributed to our collection for Christian Aid in church, as we were unable to organise a House to House Collection this year. We collected £227.30, an excellent result. If someone would like to volunteer to organise a House to House Collection in 2019 please speak to Meg Roberts

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: The housebound and lonely. Those anticipating medical investigation, or recovering from treatment. Families facing difficult decisions about care for elderly relatives