Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 104)

Windmill Farm needs you

Windmill Farm, Christian Conference Centre?,  Clanfield ? is looking for minibus drivers who  might be willing to help on an occasional basis picking up  guests from the station and bringing them to Windmill Farm, and/or returning them at the end of their stay. For details, please see notice at the back of church.

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: The housebound and lonely. Those anticipating medical investigation. Anne Morris and her family following the the death of Colin Sienna Amos, whose Baptism takes place today For Emily and John following their wedding on Saturday.

Clergy Conference

If you are interested in following any of the talks and Bible studies on Colossians by Bishop Steven, given at the Clergy Conference, than please follow this link to access any of the talks given over four days: https://www.oxford.anglican.org/mission-ministry/serving-god-together/cmd/2018-clergy-conference/

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: The housebound and lonely. Emily and John whose Banns are this weekend Those anticipating medical investigation. Our newly elected churchwardens and for the Parochial Church Council. Anne Morris and her family following the sad news of the death of Colin overnight on Thursday.

Thank you Edmund!

After more than 40 years’ service to St.Bartholomew’s church and it’s parishioners, Edmund elected not to stand as Church Warden this year.  In honour of his long and valued service, he is now Warden Emeritus. A card and gift was presented to Edmund at the Annual Meeting on April 22nd 2018 with cheers ringing out! Thank you Edmund

Easter flowers

Easter Flowers 2018 thank you so much to Bette Puffett and her talented and dedicated team who, once more, gave us a beautiful floral display this Easter.  Ladies, we thank you ! [scrollGallery id = 67]