Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 119)

Lent Course

Details for this year’s course have now been finalised.  All Lent activities can be found on the Lent Page here. Tuesdays at 8 Moors Close (703159) from 7.30 for a Bring & Share supper, meeting 8pm to 9.30 pm, and on Fridays  at 40 Park Road  (704450) from 10.30 to 12.00 ( so time to get to a Lent Lunch!) Ten copies…

Get your napkins here!

We still have quite a glut of Fritillary Napkins which take up too much space!  If you would like to buy some they are a very reasonable cost of £2.50 for a pack of 20.  You can order (and pay) on-line at www.ducklingtonchurch.org.uk/products-page or speak to Jane Dines if you would like to order some.  Bulk orders may be subject to a…

Annual Meeting

A note for your diaries that this year’s annual meeting will be in the village hall on April 7th.  Will those who prepare reports please submit them to Andrea Licorish who will be compiling the annual report via email to andrealicorish@gmail.com or paper versions to Jane Dines.

Church library

Church Library – Please keep an eye on the books displayed on the chest in the “space” and take away any that interest you; they are changed every week or two.  Also, now lent is not far away, there will be Lent books to borrow from the library displayed near the font.

Food Bank

    Please remember that the West Oxfordshire Food Bank is always in need of donations of food with at least a 6 month shelf life; Personal hygiene, baby, & sanitary items are also welcomed. There is a list of suggestions on the box.   Please put them in the box in the North Porch, and a member of the Mothers’ Union will take…

The Elim Church: Matthew’s Table

A message from Gavin Woan. Matthews Table on a Saturday between 12 and 2 at the Elim Church has been so successful that we are also  starting a Wednesday soup day between 12 and 2 pm. We will be providing a soup and roll including a pudding and tea and coffee. As with Saturday’s, there is no charge. Our first will be…

Thank you: from Paul Herrington

Thank you for the cards, well wishes, phone calls, e-mails and a visit during this severe bout of cellulitis in my left leg. I do intend to resume my musical service to the Church next Sunday (17th January) despite the leg still being dressed which prevents me from driving. Maggie is kindly acting as my driver!! There is a singing group rehearsal…