Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 121)

The Real Advent Calendar – order now!

The Real Advent Calendar adds a Fairtrade chocolate star behind each window and is the only calendar to include a 32-page copy of the Christmas story designed to be used every day in Advent. Each calendar costs £3.99 and we need to have placed our church order by the end of October. Please put your name…

Crying out for Calais

Please also see a letter, on the information table, from Hannah and Andy Bailey, a Witney couple, who have set up this campaign in order to raise awareness of refugees.  Their letter gives practical suggestions for ways in which we can help.  They are returning to Calais later on this month. what is the best…

Prayers for the parish…….and beyond

The PCC agreed at their meeting last week to introduce a prayer request system.  Prayer slips will be made available for you to complete, anonymously if required, for people and situations you would like prayed for.  Some of the requests may be incorporated in the weekly intercessions and some prayed for by the monthly prayer group and the congregation individually. trading psychology…

New Treasurer

Jane Dines is stepping down as Treasurer to concentrate her time on administration.  Dave Duthie has agreed to take on the role, a decision that  was ratified at the PCC meeting.  The handover will be phased over the next few weeks.

Syrian refugee crisis

the PCC agreed at their meeting last week to hold a special collection on Sunday 25th October with proceeds being sent to Save the Children specifically for their Syria Crisis Appeal.  Special envelopes will be available on that day and from next week onwards.

New inductees of the Fellowship of St Birinus

The Bishop of Dorchester founded the Fellowship in 2009.  It was founded as a modest way in which they could honour the people who have given exceptional service in some way or other to their church and community over a number of years.  On 27th September 2015,  Roger Barnes, Paul Herrington, Peter Nichols, Meg Roberts, and Edmund Strainge were inducted at a ceremony at…

Church Library

The process of downsizing the church library is continuing; books which we are not keeping are displayed on the chest in the “space” for anyone to take away.  Do keep an eye on the display, as it changes every week or two.sidemount