Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 124)

Christian Aid Week

Let’s pray for all who will be involved this week – and for the work of Christian Aid in the many impoverished areas of our world. Please give generously and remember to Gift Aid if you can.  There are some envelopes on the tables by the doors, which can be brought back to church next week if you don’t have an envelope…

Accommodation needed for wandering minstrels

Paul Herrington would be very grateful for offers of accommodation for musicians who are travelling to play at the Songscope Concert on Saturday June 27th and then staying on to play in the morning service here on June 28th. Altogether, there will be two men and four ladies needing bed and breakfast on the night of Sat 27th. If you are able…

Christian Aid: help needed May 10th to 16th

Christian Aid works with local partners in many countries around the world, helping disadvantaged people to improve their communities in various ways, both in normal times and at times of natural disaster.  As a church we have managed to collect nearly £1000 a year from the village for Christian Aid for many years. This year for various reasons some…

Adventureplus need you

AdventurePlus would hugely appreciate some volunteer help on the reception desk of their new centre at Windmill Farm – to answer the phone and be a welcoming face to visitors. If you would enjoy meeting new people and being part of our friendly team, and could give at least one morning or afternoon a week, we would be delighted to hear from…

The Easter Experience

Thank you to all those involved in this year’s Easter Experience.  The school children came in to church on Wednesday and Thursday and taught and questioned us on Easter and what it means.  Their behaviour was exemplary, their questions thought provoking and we hope they enjoyed it as much as we did. [Show thumbnails] bedava…

A farewell from Bob and a new rector for Ducklington

As announced recently , Ruth and Bob will be leaving the parish after a farewell service at 9.30am on May 17th. The church wardens have been asked by the bishop to begin the process which will lead to the appointment of a new rector, hopefully in the Autumn. Everyone who attends the church is welcome to submit their thoughts about the appointment, either by e-mail to wardens@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk or by letter to…

We’re back!

We’re back at long last after another website on a shared server was hacked.  This meant all the websites were closed down whilst files were “cleaned”.  Still, it’s all sorted out now so onwards and upwards:  we’re pleased to be back.