Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 24)

Your new PCC

At the Annual Meeting, held on the 14th May 2023 the following were elected Churchwardens: Martin Dines  Gill Long Lay Members of the Deanery Synod: Angela Williams Jennifer Pratley Maria Skoyles Lay Members of the PCC: Sue Fenn (Secretary) Jane Dines (Treasurer) Tricia Hughes (Electoral Roll Officer) Amanda Bennett (Music Co-Ordinator) Sarah Varnom (Safeguarding Officer)…

Keep the date!

We are excited to have our Ladies Retreat Day back.   This will take place on Saturday, 8th July at Cokethorpe School from 10am to 4pm and the theme will be Hope. Refreshments, including lunch, will be served throughout the day.   The cost per person will be £23.00. Further details will follow in due course.  

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:                                                                                                                                              For people with long term health issues For John Draper who is in Merrifield House For Dennis Welch and for his wife, Julie. For Katie Skoyles and David England whose Banns are being read for the third time today For Lauren Holifield who is being baptised today

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for: For people with long term health issues For John Draper who is in Merrifield House For Dennis Welch and for his wife, Julie. For the family and friends of Sylvia Trigg  whose funeral took place on 15th May. For Katie Skoyles and David England whose Banns are being read for the second time today For Lauren Holifeld who is…

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team

The Diocesan Safeguarding team recently published this ariticle in their newsletter – thanks for all you do Sarah.  Remember, if you have any concerns around safeguarding,  take a look here for contact details. Good practice: a great example from Ducklington In previous newsletters I have asked PSOs to let me know of good examples of…

The Children’s Corner

We are so thankful that we have so many people giving generously of their time for St Bartholomew’s and the wider community – especially those working with the children.  Thank you Paula and Angela especially for all that you do both in teaching and creating! Take a look at some of the wonderful creativity that…

Coronation Bells

It was a privilege for the Bell Ringers of St Bartholomew’s to play for The Coronation on May 6th just as their predecessors have done before on so many celebratory occasions. If you’d like to consider taking up ringing, please contact the Tower Captain, Richard Ford.  Practice nights are Wednesday and ringing on Sunday mornings…

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:                                                                                                                                              For people with long term health issues For John Draper who is in Merrifield House For Dennis Welch and for his wife, Julie. For the family and friends of Sylvia Trigg who died on 20th April and whose funeral will take place on 15th May.  For Katie Skoyles and David England whose Banns are being read for the…