Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 65)

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: Annie and Adrian and those on the care team, looking after Annie’s daily needs for Meg, Doug and family of Connie Roberts whose funeral was on 3rd For Alfie and his continual improvement. For Wanda’s sister Caroline and brother Paul, who are both…

Letter from The Rector – June 2021

Ordinary time – or extraordinary time? Bishop Steven asked a question last Sunday, on Pentecost:  “how much help do we need to live the Christian life?” God has given all of us a commission to help to change the world. The mission of the church is the mission of Christ to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom. God has entrusted us…

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: Annie and Adrian and those on the care team, looking after Annie’s daily needs for Meg, Doug and family of Connie Roberts whose funeral is on 3rd For Alfie and his continual improvement. For Wanda’s sister Caroline and brother Paul, who are both…

Electoral Roll update

The Church Electoral Roll of the parish will be agreed by the PCC between 6th – 20th June 2021. If anyone wishes to make any amendments to their entry or requires an application form before this they will be available in church, here, or can be requested by emailing EROfficer@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk . Completed forms/amendments should be returned to Tricia Hughes either in church…

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: Annie and Adrian and those on the care team, looking after Annie’s daily needs for Meg, Doug and family of Connie Roberts whose funeral is on 3rd For Alfie and his continual improvement. For Wanda’s sister Caroline and brother Paul, who are both…

An update on Alfie

Mike Townsend writes – Last Saturday Alfie’s neuroblastoma test came back with no positive cells. He’s clear of it!!!!! We need to pray that scans in the summer will show no tumours at all. He’s still weak but eating okay. There are two more rounds of treatment to go.

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: Annie and Adrian and those on the care team, looking after Annie’s daily needs for Connie (Meg’s mother-in-law) whose health is deteriorating. For Alfie and his continual improvement. For the family and friends of Frank Levermore whose funeral was on Monday, 10th May…