Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 66)

Greenbelt. Heartbroken but hopeful

    GB21 Update Tue 4 May 2021 Dearest Greenbelters, We’re absolutely heartbroken to tell you that we need to cancel Greenbelt for a second year. We have spent the last few months hoping and praying that the government would step up and provide festivals like ours with the insurance protection we need to go ahead. It is clear now that we…

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: Annie and Adrian and those on the care team, looking after Annie’s daily needs for Connie (Meg’s mother-in-law) whose health is deteriorating. For Alfie and his continual improvement For the family and friends of Frank Levermore whose funeral is on Monday, 10th May…

A message from Phil Levermore…

My sister Catherine and I, and the whole family, would like to thank the congregation of St Bartholomew’s for their kind thoughts and prayers at this sad time.  Frank is sorely missed, but we are consoled by both, the knowledge that he had a full and very well-lived life, and the support offered to us by the people of the church.  Sadly,…

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: Annie and Adrian and those on the care team, looking after Annie’s daily needs for Connie (Meg’s mother-in-law) whose health is deteriorating. Those caring for their elderly relatives with declining health. For Alfie and his continual improvement For the family and friends of…

A letter from the Rector: May 2021

Dear friends at St. Bartholomew’s, It was going to happen sometime… the main question was when! My time as rector was always to run between 5 to 6 years so Nicci and I began to explore possible areas for our new home over recent months as I approached my eighth decade. It is interesting that we have been drawn back toward the…

Town centre chaplaincy

We are starting a chaplaincy service within Witney to ensure that the churches are available to walk alongside the community in which we live and serve. The initial focus of the chaplaincy service will be to those who visit the town centre for work, shopping and to connect with other people. Though this service will be managed by the Methodist church, it…

Ducklington School needs you

Please would you consider becoming a governor for our local primary school? Governance and working as part of a governing body team is rewarding, interesting and makes a huge difference to the school, its pupils and the community. Our school will have two foundation governor vacancies from September 2021. All governors on a church school governing board work collectively to ensure the…