Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 67)

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: Annie and Adrian and those on the care team, looking after Annie’s daily needs for Connie (Meg’s mother-in-law) whose health is deteriorating. Those caring for their elderly relatives with declining health. For Alfie – see latest news at the end of the notices.…

A letter from Roger

Dear Fellow Members of St Bartholomew’s Firstly, a tremendous thank-you to all who helped and supported us in our very restrained Fritillary Sunday. The meadow was beautiful, probably the best display of fritillaries I have seen, and special thanks to Robin for organising the plant stall on the churchyard wall. From the meadow and the plant stall we raised nearly £500 for…

Missed a Service?

We are aiming to upload our weekly services, where possible, to our You Tube channel. Take a look here for last week’s service.  You can catch up on other weekly services or “specials” such as the Crib Service or Service of Thanksgiving , on the channel which lists them all.

Farewell ….

The Rectory, Ducklington. 18 April, 2021 I have this week given notice to the Bishop that I will be retiring from my ministry here in Ducklington on 15 July. Nicci and I have been praying about our next stage of life and as I would any case have to retire by my 70th birthday, we had been looking to God to guide…

News from The Besom

March 2021 – Update Suspension of Some Services Due to current Government restrictions, the following services remain suspended: –         – Home assessment visits         – Van collections / deliveries of furniture and other household items Food Parcels We’re continuing to deliver food parcels to those in need, but please note that there…