Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 85)

Prayer Bulletin

Regrettably the Church can no longer be left open for private prayer but please pray at home for: – Adrian and Annie Walsh Steve, Gill Long’s brother-in law, Brenda Cook June Kirk Family and friends of Bob Fidler, whose funeral is on 19th May For those at home who feel cut off in their isolation Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday 8 am.…

An update from Gill

Dear Friends Well it’s a great privilege to be able to write another weekly letter to you, though I am a little surprised that it was four weeks ago that I wrote the last one. Despite the lockdown it seems the weeks are going by very quickly for me.  Summer will be on our doorstep soon.   This week I have been…

A thank you from The Dorcas Project

Thanks to many generous local donations, and with a focus to fundraise to enable The Dorcas Dress Project to set up a new sewing and craft hub, a few Mothers’ Union members were amongst a team of dressmakers local to our Ducklington branch making scrubs for GP surgeries, NHS staff and carers in our area.…

Rector’s Letter

Rector’s Letter, for Sunday 10 May, 2020.Dear Friends,We are getting hints through the news that there may be some easing of the social restrictions, to be announced over this weekend! Certainly we will all be looking forward… whether with relief or trepidation, to clarity about what we will be able to do and how soon it is likely that children and grandparents…

Zoom Services

Our Zoom services are becoming more and more popular! You can join by PC, tablet or on the phone.For full instructions and to join in any of the services or meetings Click here to enter the meeting  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4905689876  You will need a password – please apply to the Website Manager to be given access details To use Zoom take a look here for…

Prayer Bulletin

Regrettably the Church can no longer be left open for private prayer but please pray at home for: – Gemma and Rob De Banks giving thanks for the birth of Rosie Hope, 2 years after the stillbirth of Jack. Adrian and Annie Walsh Steve, Gill Long’s brother-in law, Brenda Cook June Kirk Family and friends of Bob Fidler, whose funeral is on…

Are you missing Ducklington?

Martin has submitted this short video. He says “having been house-bound since the end of January and then under lockdown, I have just started walking again. Spring has come and I thought you might like to share the wonders of the village that you might be missing too”. Well sit back and relax and see a little reminder. All will be well.…

School Meal Support

Thank you to everyone who responded so generously with all different groceries to go to those 13 families who depend on free school meals. We were able to make up two full bags for each of them, together with bread donated by the Community Fridge