Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 89)

Banns of marriage

I publish the banns of marriage between Gavin Edward CLEMENTS and Abbi Maria Hannah PAGE both of the parish of St John’s, Carterton. This is for the third time of asking. I publish the banns of marriage between James Alexander HARDING and Nicole Sinead BARBER both of the parish of St Peter’s, Brackley. This is for the first time of asking. If…

Parish Giving

While we normally receive offerings through the Parish Giving Scheme, if you would still like to make your weekly offertory please place this in an envelope and put through Roger Barnes’ door (4 Pound Close) Thank you for your generosity

Our first virtual zoom service

Thank you to Paul, Dave, Ian and Amanda for leading our fist “virtual” service today – we all agreed it was a success! Keep an eye on the website or Facebook Page for next week’s virtual service. If you need help in setting up or participating in a “Zoom” meeting please contact website@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk

A message from your Rector

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York announced on Tuesday 17 March that in light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, public worship is suspended until further notice. We are going to abide by this advice at St. Bartholomew’s. Therefore, sadly there will be no services on Sundays or second Wednesdays with immediate effect and until further notice. We will be updating…

Public worship suspended

Last updated Tuesday 17 March 2020 at 16:50 In light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is suspended until further notice.  Churches should be open where possible but with no public worship services taking place. Prayers can be said by clergy and ministers on behalf of everyone and churches should consider ways of sharing this…

OX5 Blenheim 5 mile run

Request from Chris Stoneham: On March 29th once again I’m joining the Leafield School team for the OX5 Blenheim 5 mile run. As well as raising money for the Children’s Hospital, I want to help the Bless India Orphanage which I have been supporting for the last 3 years.  If anyone can sponsor me, even a pound or two, I will be…

Easter Events

We need to distribute these to each household in the village this week before Mothering Sunday. If you can help, please take a pack or two from the South Table (and sign the Distribution Sheet.) Many thanks.

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Adrian and Annie Walsh Bob Fidler Steve, Gill Long’s brother-in law, Martin Dines, recovering from emergency surgery to his foot Brenda Cook Family and friends of Dulcie Jordan whose funeral was on Thursday 12 March Abbi Page and Gavin Clements whose Banns of Marriage are being published today

Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

What should churches do now? Please note that ‘Washing hands’ always refers to washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using a hand-sanitiser with minimum 60% alcohol content. See NHS guidance and download a poster version to display. Ensure everyone maintains good hygiene (we should be doing this already as part of normal good practice) at all gatherings,…

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – Adrian and Annie Walsh – Bette and Tony Puffett. Bob Fidler Steve, Gill Long’s brother-in law, Martin Dines, recovering from emergency surgery to his foot Brenda Cook Family and friends of Gwen Walker, whose funeral was on Wednesday, 4 March – Family and friends of Graham Sawyer, whose funeral was on Friday, 6 March – Family…