Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 92)

Prayer Bulletin

Adrian and Annie Walsh Bette and Tony Puffett. Bob Fidler Family and friends of Rose Townsend whose funeral was on Tuesday, 26th November Family and friends of Wynn Booth, mother of Julie Welch, whose funeral is at Garford Crematorium on 18th December

Church Building Vision

The PCC is eager that we explore the use of our church building so it is able to meet the changing needs of our congregation and community.  Maria Skoyles has kindly agreed to collate all our views and ideas, presenting them in a report to the PCC in the new year.  Please see Maria’s introductory letter, on the separate leaflet, for more…

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Adrian and Annie Walsh – Bette and Tony Puffett. Bob Fidler Family and friends of Rose Townsend whose funeral was on Tuesday, 26th November Family and friends of Wynn Booth, mother of Julie Welch, who died peacefully on 26 November.

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – Adrian and Annie Walsh Bette and Tony Puffett. Bob Fidler Family and friends of Rose Townsend whose funeral is on Tuesday, 26th November at 11am

Adventure Plus needs you

Adventure Plus in Clanfield need help with flower beds and gardens. Are you a keen gardener with some time to give or do you know someone who does? We’d love you to come for a visit and join our friendly team for coffee and cake at 11:00. Please contact Beth hospitality@windmillwelcome.org.uk or call 01367 810258

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Adrian and Annie Walsh Bette and Tony Puffett. Bob Fidler Family and friends of Nadine Redman who died peacefully on her 90th birthday. Family and friends of Margaret Warner who died peacefully in hospital