Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 95)

Mobility Scooter Parking

The Diocesan Notice, prior to granting a faculty, has now been posted on the notice boards. Sketches showing the proposed works are displayed by the South Door. Once faculty permission has been granted (hopefully by the end of July), we will start the work. If you are interested and able to help, please contact Adrian Walsh, project leader (703159)

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – Adrian and Annie – Those who are housebound – Pippa Dines and Liam Trinder who marry on 12 July – Charlotte Clark and Patrick Foster whose Banns are being read today for the third time. – Bette and Tony. – Bob Fidler

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Adrian and Annie Those who are housebound at present because of illness. Pippa Dines and Liam Trinder whose wedding is on 12 July Charlotte Clark and Patrick Foster whose Banns are being read today

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for:_ Adrian and Annie Those who are housebound at present because of illness. Pip Dines and Liam Trinder whose Banns are being read today Charlotte Clark and Patrick Foster whose Banns are being read today

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for Adrian and Annie Family and friends of “Chuck” Train whose funeral was last Tuesday Those who are housebound at present because of illness Pippa Dines and Liam Trinder whose Banns are being read today.

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Bette and Tony Adrian and Annie Family and friends of “Chuck” Train whose funeral is this coming week Those who are housebound at present because of illness. Pippa Dines and Liam Trinder whose Banns are being read today.

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – Bette and Tony – Adrian and Annie – Family and friends of “Chuck” Train who died unexpectedly on 9 May Those who are housebound at present because of illness. – For Faye and Tom who were married yesterday