Diocese of Oxford

Posts by St Bartholomew's (Page 98)

Lent Bible Reading

We will be using The Bible Reading Fellowship material to share and reflect together on the Lent journey. If you would like to join a group, meetings will start on Friday 8 March at 12 noon (with soup and bread lunch) and Wednesday 13 March at 7:30 p.m.

Prayer Diary

Your prayers are asked for: – Adrian and Annie – Wendy Dunstan and other family and friends following the death of her uncle Francis Ernest Howes. The family of Barton John Belcher. Joan Hanks following the sudden death of daughter Christine’s partner John

Food Bank

The Food bank is short of the following items: Fruit Juice, coffee, canned potatoes, instant mashed potato, and UHT (long-life) or powdered milk. If everyone could manage to regularly bring one item a month, we would make significant difference to those less fortunate in Witney.

The Marriage Course

The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. This will be held by St. Mary’s Cogges on Monday evenings from May 13th for seven sessions. Further information can be found at: themarriagecourses.org – or contact Paul and Judith Ledden: Judith@coggesparish.com

Prayer Diary

Your prayers are asked for: – The housebound and lonely. – Adrian and Annie – The family of Martin John Belcher. His funeral will be in church on Thursday 28 February at 12 noon – Wendy Dunstan and her family, on the death of her uncle, Francis Howes.

Lent Bible Readings

The Bible Reading Fellowship has material to encourages groups and individuals to share their experience and reflect together on the Lent journey as a church community. New Daylight is suitable for those who are new to using Bible reading notes, as well as more seasoned readers. Please sign the sheet in church if you would like to purchase a copy, price £2.99…

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – The housebound and lonely. – Decisions to be taken about long-term care – Adrian and Annie – The family of Geoffrey Green (Richmond Village) who died last weekend after having a fall.

Congratulations Meg

We offer our congratulations to Meg Roberts who has been appointed as the Area Minister for the Oxford Area of the Third Order, Society of St. Francis. Meg will continue as Pastoral Lay Assistant, and is seeking offers of help for our pastoral care in the community.   If you’d like to know more about the the Third Order, take a look…

Prayer Diary

Your prayers are asked for: – The housebound and lonely. – Decisions to be taken about long-term care – Adrian and Annie – The family of Rosie Howard and her husband Ian. The funeral will take place at Carterton on Monday, 28thJanuary at 12.30pm