Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 15)

Confirmation and Baptism 2023

Take a look at the gallery for some of today’s pictures Picture Galleries What a glorious service today!  Thank you to Bishop Gavin and all those who have made the journey with our candidates today – Miriam, Lauren, Evie, Esther, Gemma, Esther, Mary Rose and Darcey God has delivered us from the dominion of darkness…

Prayer Station

In addition to our bucket collections over the next couple of weeks, there is also a Prayer Station set up near the Cokethorpe Altar for those who wish to take some time to pray, reflect, hope. Pray for the people of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. Pray for the future of the Holy Land.…

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for: For people with long term health issues For Dennis Welch and for his wife, Julie. For the family and friends of Alan Bushnell whose funeral was on Friday, for Maria’s dad, Michael: that the family would know Jesus’ peace during this season.

Harvest Celebrations

We have rejoiced over the last couple of weeks with our Harvest Installation, services with the school, our own Harvest service and culminating in a delicious Harvest Supper.  Thanks to all those who made all these celebrations happen….. until next year!