Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 17)

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:                                                                                                                                              For people with long term health issues For Dennis Welch and for his wife, Julie. For Alan Bushnell, in Witney Hospital For family and friends of Brenda Fidler (sister-in-law of Kath Luce) who died recently

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:                                                                                                                                              For people with long term health issues For Dennis Welch and for his wife, Julie. For Alan Bushnell, in Witney Hospital For Pete and the friends and family of his wife, Liz who died recently. For family and friends of Brenda Fidler (sister-in-law of Kath Luce) who died on 6th Sept and whose Memorial Service will be held…

Harvest Supper 2023

This year’s Harvest Supper will be in the Village Hall on Saturday 14th October at 7pm. Tickets will be £10 for adults and £7 for children. This will include a fish and chip supper with fruit crumble for dessert. There will also be a raffle and entertainment. June Allen is selling tickets from this weekend,…

Libya Floods: Bucket Appeal

We will be extending our Bucket Appeal for the Morocco Earthquake Appeal to also include a collection for the Libya Floods appeal; this too will be donated to the British Red Cross.  You can either donate in church on Sunday or directly via this link:  https://donate.redcross.org.uk/appeal/libya-floods-appeal Storm Daniel made landfall on 10 September triggering devastating…