Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 26)

Tony Puffett

It is with deep sadness we announce Tony’s death. St Bartholomew’s meant so much to Tony and he to us – his invaluable voluntary help over many years. Rest in peace Tony and thank you. Tony’s funeral will be on April 24th

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:                                                                                                                                              For people with long term health issues For John Draper who is in Merrifield House For Dennis Welch and for his wife, Julie. For Bette and the family and friends of Tony Puffet, who died last Monday and whose funeral will take place on Mon. 24th April at  11.am followed by burial in the Cemetery.   All are…

The Foodbank needs …….

This is the latest need for donations: Longlife Juice, Longlife Milk, Squash, Tinned Potatoes Tinned Carrots, Tinned Tomatoes, Ketchup & Mayo, Baked Beans, Fray Bento’s Pies, Tinned Fruit, Toilet Paper, Deodorant N.B. The box for your donations Is now kept in the South Porch. More details on the notice boards in the porches or on-line…

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:                                                                                                                                              For people with long term health issues For John Draper who is in Merrifield House For Dennis Welch and for his wife, Julie. For Tony Puffet, suffering ill health For Betsy and George who were married on Friday