Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 30)

Your help please

I am pulling together some games and resources to use with the children at the hotel in a weekly after-school club to start soon. If you have anything that is in good condition and would support the children in learning English and enjoying some play could you please let me know. I would also be…

Joan Hanks – RIP

We are so sorry to have to announce the death of Joan Hanks – a long time member of the congregation of St Bartholomew’s.  Rest in peace Joan Almighty and eternal God, from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, either by death or life: hear our prayers and thanksgivings for all whom we…

Fritillary ‘photos

Do you have any photographs you have taken of the fritillaries that you are willing for us to use in publicity and on printed cards to raise funds for church?  If so, please email them to Maria by 5th Feb (mlskoyles@gmail.com), granting your permission for the church to use and profit from their use.  Many…

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:     For people with long term health issues For Joan Hanks. For John Draper who is in Merrifield House and whose health is deteriorating. For Dennis Welch who is now in Witney Hospital and for his wife, Julie. for Betsy Plumb and George Greening whose Banns are being read for the first time on Sunday

Greenbelt Festival 2023 (50years)

Tickets for Greenbelt 2023 are now on sale. For our 50th anniversary we’re trying something different, with three adult ticket prices. You choose the one you can afford and spread your payments. 24–27 August 2023 Boughton House, nr Kettering Take me straight to the box office    What is Greenbelt? Take a look here.