Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 48)

Change to service times

Following discussion with the ministry team and Andrea, Gill and I have decided that it would meet the wishes of most, possibly all, members of the congregation if we commenced services at 10.00 rather than 10.30. Please contact me  if this will cause anyone a serious problem, otherwise we intend to implement the change starting on 24th April (Fritillary Sunday). Hopefully the…

Church Electoral Revision

There will be a revision of the parish Church Electoral Roll between 17th – 29th April. If anyone wishes to make any amendments to their entry or requires an application form for these dates they will be available in church, or by downloading here, or can be requested by emailing EROfficer@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk . Completed forms/amendments should be returned to Tricia Hughes either in…

Prayer Bulletin

 The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for:     for people with cancer. For Andrea who has been appointed as the new Rector of St. Bartholomew’s For George Gannon who was baptised yesterday.