Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 77)

Church Electoral Roll – revision

Between Sep 6th – 20th there will be a revision of the Church Electoral Roll in the lead up to the APCM in October. Notices will be displayed in the North and South porches and Application for Enrolment forms will be made available in church, and downloadable from the church website. If there are any questions please refer them to me as…

Letter from the Rector – September 2020

Dear Friends, As we continue to live in a seemingly continual round of change and uncertainty, it is good that we are known and loved by our Heavenly Father who is constant and unchanging. I am thankful that we have now developed and consolidated our weekly worship, Zooming from the church so that we can include all who wish to come together,…

An update from Paul

Letter from the Rector 22 May 2020   With my greetings, at this Ascension-tide: I expect that, like most of us, you have planned to use the time we have “spare” during lockdown to spend on those things we have been meaning to do for a long time… and surely here’s the opportunity to get on and do it! Or perhaps not,…

Zoom Services

Our Zoom services are becoming more and more popular! You can join by PC, tablet or on the phone.For full instructions and to join in any of the services or meetings Click here to enter the meeting  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4905689876  You will need a password – please apply to the Website Manager to be given access details To use Zoom take a look here for…

A message from Gill ..

Dear Friends The Lord is risen, Alleluia!     What a joyous end to Holy week with the reassurance of God’s of love, hope and faith, and the knowledge that we are never alone.  I was delighted to see so many (65 people) joining us for our Easter service on Sunday via Zoom. It reminded me that, though I miss going into our…

From the Rector – 9th April

From the Rector 9 April 2020 Dear Friends, It is with sadness that I must tell you of the death of Bob Fidler a long-time member of the church, and faithful member of the choir until restricted by his immobility. Also of Gordon Etheridge, a more recent member who has been sharing with us on Second Wednesdays over the last six months.…

Witney Food Bank

Witney and West Oxfordshire Food bank   is now open to distribute food to the needy, but please, kindly give your donations via the supermarkets (most have collection points).