Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 83)

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – Adrian and Annie Walsh Bette and Tony Puffett. Bob Fidler Family and friends of Rose Townsend whose funeral is on Tuesday, 26th November at 11am

Adventure Plus needs you

Adventure Plus in Clanfield need help with flower beds and gardens. Are you a keen gardener with some time to give or do you know someone who does? We’d love you to come for a visit and join our friendly team for coffee and cake at 11:00. Please contact Beth hospitality@windmillwelcome.org.uk or call 01367 810258

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Adrian and Annie Walsh Bette and Tony Puffett. Bob Fidler Family and friends of Nadine Redman who died peacefully on her 90th birthday. Family and friends of Margaret Warner who died peacefully in hospital

John Draper

John Draper loves coming back to worship with us: please sign up on the sheet to collect him from Merryfield House so that he can come at least twice a month

Mothers’ Union Craft Club

……. will need:  small wooden ’chest’; wooden walking stick/crook; old velvet or brocade curtains.  There will also be a call to borrow some more common everyday items nearer the time for the Crib Service?

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Adrian and Annie Walsh Those who are housebound Bette and Tony Puffett. Bob Fidler Family and friends of Nadine Redman who died peacefully on her 90th birthday. Family and friends of Margaret Warner who died peacefully in hospital

Harvest thank you’s

Thanks, too, for all the produce which was brought as our Harvest Thanksgiving offering. This was all collected by the BESOM Charity in Witney for distribution amongst needy families. The fresh fruit and vegetables were particularly welcome for the young people being supported by the Mungo Charity and those being cared for by MIND