Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 84)

Witney Food Bank needs you!

This week the Foodbank have posted that they’ve run out of toiletries and some household products.  Please consider donating toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, shower gel, soap, shaving foam, and also washing powder and nappies. Many thanks for your generosity to those most hard hit by austerity and uncertainty.


HMonday 9th September at 7.30pm – 9.30pm at 15 Coral Springs Way, Richmond Village. (709467)  We plan to meet on alternate Mondays starting with an introductory session, to be followed by sessions studying the Beatitudes. Please let Gill or Faith know if you intend to come.

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Adrian and Annie Walsh Those who are housebound Bette and Tony Puffett. Bob Fidler Stuart Brown and other family and friends of Audrey Brown, whose funeral was on Thursday, 22 August

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Adrian and Annie Walsh Those who are housebound Bette and Tony Puffett Bob Fidler Ann Rolls and other family and friends of Arthur Clifford whose funeral was on 9th August

Mothers’ Union: July and August

During July and August the Mothers’ Union in this area is making its annual collection for the JR Hospital and for parents staying at Ronald MacDonald House whilst their children are in the Children’s Hospital. There will be a box in the North Porch next to the Foodbank Box. Items requested this year are: mini toiletries, toothbrushes and paste, shaving kits and…

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Adrian and Annie Those who are housebound Bette and Tony. Bob Fidler Sandy Mott and other family and friends of Violet Goodwill, whose funeral was on Friday, 26th July. Ann Rolls and other family and friends of Arthur Clifford, whose funeral will be on Friday, 9th August at 1.00 pm (please note corrected time).