Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 86)

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for:_ Adrian and Annie Those who are housebound at present because of illness. Pip Dines and Liam Trinder whose Banns are being read today Charlotte Clark and Patrick Foster whose Banns are being read today

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for Adrian and Annie Family and friends of “Chuck” Train whose funeral was last Tuesday Those who are housebound at present because of illness Pippa Dines and Liam Trinder whose Banns are being read today.

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: Bette and Tony Adrian and Annie Family and friends of “Chuck” Train whose funeral is this coming week Those who are housebound at present because of illness. Pippa Dines and Liam Trinder whose Banns are being read today.

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – Bette and Tony – Adrian and Annie – Family and friends of “Chuck” Train who died unexpectedly on 9 May Those who are housebound at present because of illness. – For Faye and Tom who were married yesterday

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – Bette and Tony – Adrian and Annie – Family and friends of “Chuck” Train who died unexpectedly on 9 May Family and friends of Molly Madge who died peacefully on 10 May Those who are housebound at present because of illness.

Pint of Life – a volunteer initiative

Many of you supported the first aid session at The Bell by Chris Tancock, our first responder. After that successful event, Chris has gone on to give training to over 120 people in this area. Chris proposes to hold another session in Ducklington with the focus on first aid for children and would like to know how many people may wish to…

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: – Bette and Tony Adrian and Annie Family and friends of “Chuck” Train who died unexpectedly on 9 May Family and friends of Molly Madge who died peacefully on 10 May Those who are housebound at present because of illness. –

Fritillary Day Thank you

Thank you to all who in any way worked so hard to make Fritillary Day such a success. Nicci and Paul warmly invite all who were involved to come to The Rectory for Drinks and Nibbles on Saturday 25 May between 6 and 8 p.m. Please let Nicci know if you will be coming.