Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 88)

Witney Food Bank needs you

Our foodbank relies on your goodwill and support. Over 90% of the food distributed by foodbanks in The Trussell Trust network is donated by the public – that’s why your food donations are absolutely vital to our ability to give everyone referred to us a balanced and nutritious minimum three-day supply of food. Our shopping list shows the food items that we…

Social Media Guidelines

The issue of Social Media  Guidelines has been discussed at recent PCC meetings, and it was thought useful to have some information on the church website. The summary of The Oxford Diocesan website content can be downloaded here.

Family Praise has a new look!

Our First Sunday Family Praise service has a new look! This is a service for the whole family to take part and share in worship together. We use a screen to project some new songs which our young people may have learnt at school, as well as old favourites which we can all enjoy as we lift our voices in praise.  The…

Lent Bible Reading

We will be using The Bible Reading Fellowship material to share and reflect together on the Lent journey. If you would like to join a group, meetings will start on Friday 8 March at 12 noon (with soup and bread lunch) and Wednesday 13 March at 7:30 p.m.

Prayer Diary

Your prayers are asked for: – Adrian and Annie – Wendy Dunstan and other family and friends following the death of her uncle Francis Ernest Howes. The family of Barton John Belcher. Joan Hanks following the sudden death of daughter Christine’s partner John

Food Bank

The Food bank is short of the following items: Fruit Juice, coffee, canned potatoes, instant mashed potato, and UHT (long-life) or powdered milk. If everyone could manage to regularly bring one item a month, we would make significant difference to those less fortunate in Witney.

Sermons – some good news!

Sermons, uploaded to the website, can now be heard on iPhones, iPads, android ‘phones, MACs etc and not just desktop PCs.  This is because the coding in the app,used to upload sermons, has been updated at last! So, happy listening.  

Prayer Bulletin

Your prayers are asked for: The housebound and lonely. Emily and John whose Banns are this weekend Those anticipating medical investigation. Our newly elected churchwardens and for the Parochial Church Council. Anne Morris and her family following the sad news of the death of Colin overnight on Thursday.