Diocese of Oxford

Requests (Page 14)

Ukranian refugees – Barnabas Fund

Barnabas Fund are sending coats, blankets and warm clothing for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova. If you have any warm items – of any size – to donate, Martin and Nicky will be taking another load to the collection point in Swindon on Wednesday 30th March. Please bring them to church or contact Martin 07849357102 Thank you very much.

The Dorcas Dress Project

Maria Skoyles is Crowdfunding for Leicester garment factory workers through The Dorcas Dress Project.   https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/supporting-garment-workers-in-leicester/backers#start.   Pledge to buy a dress: donations are match funded so your £20 is doubled to £40.  

Witney Food Bank: Urgent Appeal

URGENT APPEAL Hello everyone, happy new year! We were all so amazed with the amount you all donated over Christmas and it was so appreciated! Unfortunately, we were so busy with so many parcels going out that we are now seriously low on a lot! We’ve all felt that January pinch, when you have to wait an extra week for payday, or…