Diocese of Oxford

Requests (Page 17)

Witney Food Bank needs ……..

The latest request is for – Long-Life UHT milk, tinned custard, sugar (500gr bags) Long-life fruit juice and tinned spaghetti. Donations can be dropped off at the Cottesway building in Station Lane 2 by going to the back, through the wooden gates and placing them in the trolleys provided. If you order on-line, you can…

Christmas in hospital

Christmas at the Hospitals is going to be a bit different this year since with no in-church Crib Services, the festive toy and gift collections cannot take place due to Covid-19 restrictions. So, Oxford Hospitals Charity has launched a new virtual gift giving scheme to ensure that Christmas cheer continues.   By going  online          to www.hospitalcharity.co.uk/giveagift you can donate a toy for a child, or…

Witney Food Bank needs …….

Over 90% of the food distributed by foodbanks in The Trussell Trust network is donated by the public – that’s why your food donations are absolutely vital to our ability to give everyone referred to us a balanced and nutritious minimum three-day supply of food. Our shopping list shows the food items that we need…

Christmas cards – can you help?

We shall be posting Christmas Cards through every door in the village advising about the services we will be holding, and  inviting families to follow a Star Trek leading to discovering Jesus in the manger. If you are willing to help deliver the cards, please inform Sue Fenn ( admin@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk ) which roads you would be able to cover.

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival Services are planned for October 4 with 10:30 celebration in church and on Zoom, with 6 p.m. evening communion. Please bring produce to dress the church at 9:30 on Saturday 3 October. Offerings will be taken to the Besom Charity