Diocese of Oxford

Community (Page 12)

A lovely Carol Service

What a beautiful service; handbell ringers, singers including soloists, wonderful readings, glorious carols….and mulled wine.  Thank you especially to Amanda Bennett and her team who ensure we have the luxury of live music and singing…we are truly blessed. The collection at the service is to be shared with Crisis at Christmas.  The amount to be…

Ride ‘n’ Stride update

 £1190.00 was raised for Ducklington : St Bartholomew during Ride and Stride 2023.  £595.00 will now be paid to St Baetholomew’s for the Fabric Fund. This represents half of the total raised for Ducklington : St Bartholomew excluding the Gift Aid.

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for: For people with long term health issues For Dennis Welch and for his wife, Julie. For Dave Adams, his sister  and the family following the death of his brother-in-law For Richard, Edmund and family of Jan Strainge whose Cremation service is on 21st December at 11am at Garford Crematorium