Diocese of Oxford

Community (Page 30)

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:     For people with long term health issues For the family and friends of Joan Hanks whose funeral is on Feb. 28th at 1.00pm For John Draper who is in Merrifield House and whose health is deteriorating. For Dennis Welch who is now at home and for his wife, Julie. for Betsy Plumb and George Greening whose Banns are…

Letter from Andrea – February 2023

Spring may not begin until March, but as the days get longer and the weather becomes a little milder, we can begin to look forward to the dormant winter months giving way to new growth. Times and seasons are set by God, who works all things together towards the final fulfilment of his purposes. We…

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:     For people with long term health issues For the family and friends of Joan Hanks who died last week For John Draper who is in Merrifield House and whose health is deteriorating. For Dennis Welch who is now home from Hospital and for his wife, Julie. for Betsy Plumb and George Greening whose Banns are being read for…

Your help please

I am pulling together some games and resources to use with the children at the hotel in a weekly after-school club to start soon. If you have anything that is in good condition and would support the children in learning English and enjoying some play could you please let me know. I would also be…