Diocese of Oxford

Community (Page 38)

Ride ‘n’ Stride

Having completed the Historic Churches “Ride and Stride” on 10th September, I am pleased to say that I managed to raise £400 from generous sponsorship, both from the church and elsewhere.  I cycled 30 miles and visited 20 churches, some of which I had not been to before.   Many thanks to you all, and with…

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:     For the Royal Family as they continue their period of mourning. For people with cancer. For Joan Hanks. For Marjorie and Derek Soffe following Marjorie’s recent operation. For John Draper who is in Merrifield House and whose health is deteriorating.

WICS – they need you!

WITNEY INTER-CHURCH SINGERS (WICS) Witney Inter-Church Singers is a local choir made up of Christians from around twelve local churches who come together to rehearse and perform two concerts each year, one at Christmas and one in the summer.  Our aims are to encourage each other as Christians in the choir, through music and fellowship,…

Walk for Water – an update

Thank you everyone for all your wonderful support and the total money raised is an incredible £770. This will make a huge difference to the lives of the people in the brick kiln areas and there will enough money left over to buy food, clothes and shoes for the many children that live in these slum communities. It’s been a wonderful challenge,…

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for:     For the late Queen’s family and for King Charles III For people with cancer. For Joan Hanks. For Marjorie and Derek Soffe following Marjorie’s recent operation. For John Draper who is in Merrifield House and whose health is deteriorating.

Harvest Supper – it’s back

It’s back!  This will take place on Sunday 9th October from 6pm to 9pm in the Village Hall.  Tickets will be available very soon and will cost £7 for adults and £3 for children.  (Please bring your own drinks) There will also be a raffle and entertainment. June will be selling tickets. We look forward…