Diocese of Oxford

Community (Page 57)

Men’s Christmas Dinner

John Sandalls has kindly offered to organise a St. Bartholomew’s Men’s Christmas Dinner. The plan is to hold it at 7.30pm at “The Bell” on Thursday, 9th December. The cost of their party menu is £24.95 for three courses. Please will you email John (johnandlorrainesandalls@hotmail.co.uk) or speak to Steve Bold if you are interested. We need a quick response please in order…

The Climate Crisis

The Diocese of Oxford is actively involved in various ways supporting Christian action in response to the   Climate Crisis.   More resources are available on the diocesan website: https://tinyurl.com/yz57op5m  

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: Alfie, who will be six next week and is doing very well. His teacher is very pleased with his progress at school. All the family thank everyone for their prayers. Lyndsay Waitland and Thomas Buckingham whose Banns are being read for the 2nd…

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for:   Alfie, who is now cancer free but continues to be monitored for other conditions. His family thank everyone for their prayers. Laura Hopkins and Matthew Gannon whose wedding took place on Saturday

Meeting Johan…..called to serve

The verse of the week this week is “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many”.  Dave took the opportunity, before his sermon, of having a discussion with Johan regarding his call to service.  You can listen here