Diocese of Oxford

Community (Page 59)

A message from Chris Stoneham….

I have finally managed my 100km walks for women and girls. I have been able to raise £440 which is a fabulous totals so a huge thank you to everyone who has donated. The fundraiser is going to carry on for another week or two so if you still want to donate see the link on the church website of give me…

The Electoral Roll – are you on it?

What  is  it?  The church’s Electoral Roll is the register of its voting members; it is a list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Electoral rolls provide an indication of the real   membership and strength of the church. Why Enrol? Enrolment is a way of saying “I belong” – an act of commitment to…

Harvest Goods

Please bring along any food items for Harvest display, incorporated in to the display wherever possible, from 9am on Saturday 2nd October 2021.  The church will be open from this time to prepare for the Harvest Festival on Sunday 3rd October.  

Bishop Steven in the House of Lords

Bishop Steven in the House of Lords 10 September 2021: This week, Bishop Steven has been on Prayer Duty in the House of Lords, reading daily prayers at the beginning of each sitting and contributing to daily business in the House on a range of subjects including climate change, education and standards in public life. You can read more here

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for:  Alfie and his continual improvement. family and friends of Agnes Neilands who died on 8th Her funeral was on 9th September. Laura Hopkins and Matthew Gannon whose Banns of Marriage are being read for the third time today. Their wedding is to be…