Diocese of Oxford

Events (Page 10)

All Souls’ service

This service enables us to set aside time to remember loved ones who have died. Loved one’s names will be remembered and there will be an opportunity to light a candle during the service. All are welcome to attend this service. Refreshments will be served afterwards and we do hope that you will be able…

Ian and Linda’s farewell

Today we bid au revoir to Ian and Linda (and James in spirit!) They have been an integral part of St Bartholomew’s for many years having been married there, James being baptized there and Ian serving as our LLM;  Linda too has been a member of the PCC and led initiatives such as CAP.  In…

Harvest Supper – thanks

A huge thank you to everyone who supported the first harvest supper since 2019. I hope you all agree it was a great success. Everybody seemed to enjoy the evening and in total £439 was raised for Church funds. Special thanks to all those who baked for the occasion, those who helped on the evening…

Harvest Festival

And now for something a little different … an installation to celebrate our Harvest offerings and gifts and to show, beautifully, the gifts we are given and should use.  Thank you to all those who decorated the church and created the installation.  Do go along and take a look if you haven’t seen it yet…

Walk for Water – an update

Thank you everyone for all your wonderful support and the total money raised is an incredible £770. This will make a huge difference to the lives of the people in the brick kiln areas and there will enough money left over to buy food, clothes and shoes for the many children that live in these slum communities. It’s been a wonderful challenge,…

Harvest Supper – it’s back

It’s back!  This will take place on Sunday 9th October from 6pm to 9pm in the Village Hall.  Tickets will be available very soon and will cost £7 for adults and £3 for children.  (Please bring your own drinks) There will also be a raffle and entertainment. June will be selling tickets. We look forward…