Diocese of Oxford

Events (Page 14)

Songs of Praise

We will be holding a Zoom songs of praise on 14th  March at 4.00pm. (Usual Zoom number) there will also be a few places available in Church particularly for those who cannot join us by zoom. Please let Nicci know if you will be joining, so that we can send you an order of service. Please also send your hymn choice to…

Carols around the tree

We will be holding a “Carol Event” around the Christmas tree in the churchyard, at 11:45 on Sunday 20 December. We are able to sing outside, while keeping our social distance, so I look forward to seeing and hearing you enjoy your favourite carols! I suggest you bring a flask of tea or coffee for after the Communion Service, before we go…

27th December – Church at home

There will be no service in church (nor Zoom) on Sunday 27 December.  Instead you may wish to avail yourselves of the Diocesan Church at home service We are offering live streamed worship for the Diocese on Sundays and Holy Days in the coming months to complement what is offered by local churches. This Diocesan prayer and worship is designed to be…

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

CAP is featured in a brand new documentary, “The Debt Saviours”, airing on Friday 5 October at 9pm on BBC2. John Kirkby, founder of CAP says “I’m delighted that what they’ve produced is a testament to the love and goodness of God at work through his local Church.” This charity is supported by several people in the church. Could we do more?

Harvest Supper

The Harvest Supper will be held on October 5th in the Village Hall at 6:30 for 7 p.m. Tickets are now  available, price £6 adult and £3 children under 11 years old, from June Allen (Tel:772343) Please book your choice of Hot, Cold or Vegetarian options. June would also be very grateful for prizes for the Raffle.