Diocese of Oxford

Events (Page 3)

Fritillary Sunday: Help!

Fritillary Sunday is fast approaching. Plans are well underway and will include some new attractions such as a Fritillary Raffle and children’s activities. To ensure success we will need your help in various areas. These include refreshments, selling raffle tickets, helping with the children, being a presence at the fritillary field, in the church, around…

Apollos Clothing … fundraiser

Eliminating clothing poverty, caring for the environment  Since September Apollos has partnered with over 10 local charities and schools and helped over 200 people with their clothing needs and they desperately need a building to run their operations out of. They hope to fundraise money to continue their work and raise awareness so they can…

A lovely Carol Service

What a beautiful service; handbell ringers, singers including soloists, wonderful readings, glorious carols….and mulled wine.  Thank you especially to Amanda Bennett and her team who ensure we have the luxury of live music and singing…we are truly blessed. The collection at the service is to be shared with Crisis at Christmas.  The amount to be…