Diocese of Oxford

PRAYER (Page 18)

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for:  Alfie, who is now cancer free but continues to be monitored for other conditions. His family thank everyone for their prayers. Laura Hopkins and Matthew Gannon getting married on Saturday, 23rd

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for:  Alfie and his continual improvement. family and friends of Agnes Neilands who died on 8th Her funeral was on 9th September. Laura Hopkins and Matthew Gannon whose Banns of Marriage are being read for the third time today. Their wedding is to be…

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: Alfie and his continual improvement. family and friends of Agnes Neilands who died on 8th Her funeral is on 9th September at 1pm followed by burial. Laura Hopkins and Matthew Gannon whose Banns of Marriage are being read for the first time today.…

Prayer Bulletin

The Church will continue to be open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: Alfie and his continual improvement. family and friends of Agnes Neilands who died on 8th Her funeral is on 9th September at 1pm followed by burial. 

Prayers for our time

God of redemption, your challenge is peace. Given not as the world gives it – with limits, conditions and reversibility, but unconditionally – with infinite love. We pray today for those of us who find ourselves in places we do not want to inhabit – a home or community where we no longer feel welcome; an identity that feels cut off at…