Diocese of Oxford


Ducklington Warm Welcome Space

  All welcome to join us at the village hall for company, chat, light lunches, cake and drinks. Now open all year round and free for everyone.

CtiW Monthly Prayer Breakfast

Our Prayer Breakfast starts at 8.30am in the Coffee Bar area at the High Street Methodist Church. We aim to finish by 9.30am. Do feel able to join us. You will be very welcome. If you would like to know more contact: Dave Richardson: email: davegrich@uwclub.net  or Jenny Hall:  email: silmaril@talktalk.net  

Children’s Summer Club

A 3 day Summer Club open to all primary school aged children from the whole community.  More details to follow regarding registration, food, etc The theme of the summer club is ‘Restoration’.  Imagine teams at workstations, reflective vests, tools and hard hats!  There are likely to be active games and workouts, craft activities, singing and…

Pet Service

Don’t forget to bring all of your pets to this service and remind your neighbours with pets and those you meet on your dog walks that they are welcome.