Diocese of Oxford

The new PCC

The PCC 2016

At the Annual Meeting on 7th April 2016, Edmund Strainge and Gill Long were re-elected as wardens.  They will be sworn in officially by the Bishop in the next few weeks.   The following were elected to the PCC for the coming year.

  • June Allen
  • Roger Barnes
  • Steve Bold  (Deanery Synod Representative)
  • Jane Dines
  • David Duthie
  • Rachael Levermore
  • Glyn Rees
  • Meg Roberts
  • Sarah Varnom
  • Adrian Walsh
  • Angela Williams  (Deanery Synod Representative)

You can read the Annual Report for AGM 2016 here.

John Pearson, Marian Pitman and Martin Dines were thanked at the meeting for their support as previous PCC members.

At the first meeting of the new PCC that immediately followed the annual meeting, Rachael Levermore was re-elected Secretary and David Duthie as Treasurer.