Diocese of Oxford

A letter from your Rector – a generous response?

Following on from our current sermon series and Steve Bold’s talk after last week’s sermon, here is the letter from the Rector-, to the congregation

Our Generous Response to our Generous God

2016 Projected expenditure = £45,600

If donations are received from 70 people, then average donation necessary would be

45,600 / 70 / 52 =  £13.00 per head per week

If donations are received from 100 people, then average donation necessary would be

45,600 / 100 / 52 =  £9.00 per head per week.

For some this is more than they can afford, for others they will be able to give a larger amount.
Whatever your regular gift, it is valued and appreciated, with grateful thanks.

For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has – not according to what one does not have.” 2 Corinthians 8:12