Diocese of Oxford

An update from Gill

Dear Friends
Well it’s a great privilege to be able to write another weekly letter to you, though I am a little surprised that it was four weeks ago that I wrote the last one. Despite the lockdown it seems the weeks are going by very quickly for me.  Summer will be on our doorstep soon.   This week I have been reflecting on the words from Ian’s Sunday sermon and the gospel reading from John 14: ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life’. It’s overwhelming, and at the same time reassuring, to know that God is there, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, for me and for you. For all of us, every individual one of us. He is our rock to lean on, there whenever we turn to him.  He is the truth. No fake news, no social media hype, no bragging or competition.  He IS the truth.
I find it hard at times, especially when I’m busy, to remember to put God first but what blessings are poured on me when I do. Ian reminded us that we are pilgrims, we follow the Lord (not walk in front, Gill!) his way is simple: ‘Love God and love your neighbour’. Such a poignant thought for the time we are in. There has been a great witness to this in our communities over the past weeks, with people coming together caring for their neighbours, doing great and small deeds. It was so good to see the VE Day celebrations last week bringing the country together despite the lockdown, and the social distancing street parties where neighbours were meeting for the first time.
For me, May 12th the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale and International Nurses Day was more significant this year. Through the pandemic we all have learnt more of the caring and dedication of our nurses working tirelessly throughout the country, on our front line and behind.  I am in awe of the nurses who are wearing their PPE for 12-hour shifts. The longest I have had to wear it is 1.5 hours and it hurts, it’s hot and you can’t have a drink wearing a mask.  I thank God that he gave me the calling to be a nurse and I am proud of my profession. Let’s remember our nurses in our prayers.
We face an uncertain and confusing time, especially with some of the lockdown measures lifting but God is there to keep us strong and to protect us. Psalm 23 is such a comfort to me, as I expect it is to many.  He is my shepherd; he refreshes my soul. Alleluia! Please continue to worship with us, by video or phone on Sundays via Zoom for our church service or Morning Prayer in the week. It is so good to see and hear you.
All details are on the Ducklington church website or contact Paul, Roger or myself.  We are also here if anyone needs anything, has any concerns or prayer requests. My days off in lockdown have given me the chance to sort out my garden and make it look less like a dump, however, I won’ t be joining the massive queues at the garden centres just yet. Be careful if you do. Please continue to keep well and safe.
God Bless