Diocese of Oxford

Churchwarden’s letter – from Gill

May 2022

Dear Friends
I’m writing this on the day after our Fritillary Sunday, and I am rejoicing and thanking the Lord for such a wonderful day. We were very blessed with the weather which brought a lot of people from near and far. What an opportunity it was to share our church building and fellowship with our community. Roger and I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to make it a very successful day.
With the distressing news of war, cost of living rises and the continuous uncertainty of the Covid pandemic, Fritillary Sunday made me reflect on how thankful I am for everything God has given me. I had the opportunity to speak to many people, to serve them refreshments, to wonder at God’s creation (especially the fritillaries and the wildflowers) and to be a part of a great church team. I experienced God’s grace in the kindness and generosity of others. Sometimes it’s easy to take everything we have for granted. We get distracted with our own struggles and everyday concerns that we forget to thank God for all the good things He’s provided us. Paul wrote “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (Thessalonians 5:16-18). This reminds me that everything I have is because of Him and all He asks in return is for me to spread His word and to be thankful for the things I have.
I’m sure you know that we have our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) on May 15th straight after church, in the village hall. This gives us the opportunity to look back over the previous year, to hear about the various church activities, the financial report, and the annual PCC report. The churchwardens and Deanery Synod reps will be elected for the coming year, and new PCC members may also be elected if there is a place for them. Nomination forms will be in church over the next couple of weeks if you would like to be part of our PCC. Please consider standing for election. It is important to us that we have a good representation from our congregation to help make decisions on behalf of the church members. 
Sadly, after the APCM, we will be saying goodbye to Rosie Evans, our PCC secretary who has moved to North Leigh. She has done a tremendous job and we will miss her greatly. I’m sure you will join me in wishing her the very best and a massive ‘thank you’ for all that she has done. Roger will be stepping down from his duties as Churchwarden following the APCM. Fortunately for us he will continue as Treasurer and Fabric lead. It is important that we recognise all the hard work Roger has done as Churchwarden and we have so much to say ‘Thank you’ to him for.
I leave you with some good news: God wants us to be happy, to pray to Him, and to always be thankful for all the blessings in our lives.
