Diocese of Oxford

Witney Girls’ Brigade Company……is 60 years old

1st Witney Girls Brigade Company is 60 years old in 2022

Dear friends,
We are celebrating our 60th birthday by having a Garden Party on Saturday June 18, from 2-4pm. We will hopefully be having a bouncy castle, side stalls and games, plus afternoon tea. We do hope you and your family will be able to come along to celebrate with us.
Even if you are unable to come, we would love to hear from you. Please send us your memories of your time at 1st Witney, what you are doing now and any photos of you in GB so that we can make a display board to show on the day.
You can contact us on brigade@davroadchurch.co.uk  or by post to
1st Witney GB,
Davenport Road Methodist Church,
Witney, Oxon, OX28 6EJ

If you know of anyone who we may have lost touch with, please pass this invitation on to them.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon and seeing you in June,
best wishes from
the Officers and Girls of 1st Witney GB 

RSVP by 27th May please

Name:                                            Years in GB:

I will be at the celebrations on 18th June and will bring

—–  adults and  —–  children for afternoon tea.