Diocese of Oxford

Letter from Rev’d Andrea Colbrook – September 2022

September always makes me think about going back to school, a new teacher, new uniforms, new shoes and the photograph on the first day of term. I wonder what your experience of school was like? New seasons bring with them potential and possibilities. We are in a new season at St. Bartholomew’s and with change may come some level of fear or anxiety. Close to the altar in our church is a list of rectors that have preceded me, dating back to 1220. Over the last 800 years many rectors have come and gone, many changes have happened and yet the church continues to be an integral part of our community. God does not change and his love is everlasting. “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. We do not need to be anxious about anything because Our Lord God is with us.” Isaiah 40:28.

Therefore, as the new school year begins, let us remember to pray for our church, schools, teachers and pupils.

The first day of school by Ruth Donnelly

I’ve got a brand-new lunchbox.
My shoes are shiny clean.
I’ve got a cool, new bookbag
And a pencil box that’s green.

But I don’t know my teacher,
Or where my desk will be.
I don’t know if I like the kids,
Or if they’ll play with me.

I peek inside my classroom.
I stand there for a while.
My teacher’s tall and kind of loud,
But has a great big smile.

And, best of all, she’s got my
Favourite book upon the shelf!
I kiss my mother at the door
And walk in by myself.

May you know God’s guiding peace as we enter into this new season. Many blessings. Andrea.