Diocese of Oxford

WICS – they need you!


Witney Inter-Church Singers is a local choir made up of Christians from around twelve local churches who come together to rehearse and perform two concerts each year, one at Christmas and one in the summer.  Our aims are to encourage each other as Christians in the choir, through music and fellowship, emphasising what we have in common and not our differences; to encourage other Christians and to witness to non-Christians through our performances; and to allow the Lord to minister to us and others through the use of music and to give God the glory for what He has done.

We would love to have more people join us, and we are particularly keen to have several more men!  You do not have to be able to read music and there are no auditions – the ability to sing in tune and enjoy making music with others is all that is required!  Our Christmas concerts will be on 3rd & 4th December, and we start weekly rehearsals for these on Wednesday, 21st September, 7.30-9.30 pm at the Congregational Church, Welch Way, Witney.  We pay £15 per term to cover the cost of the church rental; in addition there is the cost of the music, which is generally between £12 and £15 per term.

If you would like to join us (or even just to know more), please email Shirley Enoch at geoffandshirley.enoch@ntlworld.com or Guy James at guy@gsjames.plus.com