Diocese of Oxford

A letter from Andrea – November 2022

I wonder how you feel at this time of year? The grey skies, chilly evenings and the dark nights may cause you to forget the world, draw the curtains and snuggle up in front of a fire. Or you might find yourself reflecting on the economic challenges many face, causing you to feel anxious, particularly as Christmas approaches. Bilbo Baggins in The Fellowship of the Rings captured this sense of being overwhelmed by all that goes on around us when he said, “I feel all thin, sort of stretched like butter that has been scraped over too much bread”.

Reflect for a moment on Jesus Emmanuel, God with us. The world may be harsh but God is gentle, he knows what our lives are like. What do you do with the things that weigh you down, the things that burden you? The world we live in constantly erodes our connection with God, with its frantic pace, the barrage of information, the minute-by-minute updates of on-line news and the media madness. Saint Augustine said, “we must empty ourselves of all that fills us, so that we may be filled with what we are empty of”. How do we put ourselves in the place where we can empty ourselves of worldly worries and be filled afresh with the grace and peace of God?

Our very beings were made to be saturated in the presence of God. This puts us in a place where we can draw upon his love, strength, wisdom and resilience. God wants to restore our lives. “Come to me… Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take real rest. Walk with me and work with me… watch how I do it… Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 The Message.

So why not listen to and live this word from God and set aside space each day to get away with him and place your worries and anxieties on him. Maybe then we will empty ourselves of the of all that fills us, so that we may be filled with what we are empty of.

Many blessings,
