Diocese of Oxford

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team

The Diocesan Safeguarding team recently published this ariticle in their newsletter – thanks for all you do Sarah.  Remember, if you have any concerns around safeguarding,  take a look here for contact details.

Good practice: a great example from Ducklington

In previous newsletters I have asked PSOs to let me know of good examples of safeguarding practice which can be shared. I was really pleased to hear from Sarah Vernon (sic), PSO in Ducklington, about the inspiring work that is being undertaken in her church with refugees and the effort that is being made to make sure that people are supported with a focus on both care and safety. Here’s what she shared:

Safeguarding at St Bartholomew’s Church

We have welcomed over 200 asylum seekers into our village of Ducklington.
This has been quite an undertaking for our community. Through our church we are offering practical and emotional support, and pray for guidance and the Lord’s blessings to do what we can.
We have set up after-school activities, arts and craft groups, welcome meals in people’s homes and English lessons. As PSO, I was acutely aware of how we need to ensure that all volunteers know how to run activities safely and how to keep themselves safe. The diocese’s online training courses are excellent as they are accessible to everyone to complete in their own time and space.
In addition, the Dashboard is instrumental in me keeping a thorough record of DBS checks and training. I have been heartened by our volunteers, who have been keen to keep up to date and I haven’t had to do too much chasing! As a result, we can organise activities and trips in the knowledge that everyone’s safety is a priority.
With the church working in partnership with our primary school we are seeing families settling into the school routine and children making great headway with their English. Parents tell me and the school that they feel their children are safe and happy.

I hope we have built strong foundations on which to carry on with integrating families into our community safely.