Diocese of Oxford

Food Parcels

Food Parcels for Vulnerable Families

We would like to put together food parcels for around 27 vulnerable families at Ducklington Primary School to help them through the summer holidays. We would like donations of foodstuffs or money please. Suggestions of foodstuffs include: multipacks of crisps etc., other savoury snacks, chocolate biscuit bars, packets of biscuits, pasta, rice, baked beans, spaghetti hoops, cheese triangles, jam, peanut butter, breakfast cereals, bottles of squash, fruit juice, tins of tuna, tinned corn, peas, tomatoes etc., tinned fruit, tinned rice pudding and other desserts, tomato ketchup, hot dog sausages, tea bags, coffee, hot chocolate.
A box for donations is in the Children’s Corner.

If you would like to donate money then please give the money to Alison Schoeman or you can do a bank transfer to the church using the following details:

Payee: Ducklington Church,
A/c: 00179381,
Sort Code: 30 99 78,
Reference: Food (this reference must be used please)

The food parcels will be distributed during the week beginning 17th July so could we have all donations by Friday 14th July please.

Thank you again for your support.