Diocese of Oxford

Letter from – Warden Martin Dines – September 2023

How can September beat the excitement which August gave us? A month in which sporting achievement has dominated and produced new heroines for football, cricket and netball fans. It also has been a time for children to recharge and for families to make unforgettable summer holiday memories.
So, bring on September! A new school term begins.
For me, my grandson starts nursery school in Witney. It’s a time for me to reflect over the last 4 years of his development and, with love and kindness, how our (extended) family have given support to shape this young boy. He often came with me into the church on a Tuesday. He used to head straight to the children’s corner which is always kept beautifully tidy and with lovely displays. His young passion is toy cars, and so he would get them all out of the toy box and play for an hour or so with those.
As his language, comprehension and awareness have developed, he has taken to going straight to the dais, standing at the lectern and either talking to me as I sat in the congregation or singing a silly song (not Cauliflowers Fluffy, yet!).
He is ready for school.
We forget how lucky we are to have compulsory education in the UK. The thrill of a new school year, or a new school, hopefully will be as exciting as some of the matches we have seen on TV this summer.
And, for those who thirst for more sporting achievements, don’t forget that the Rugby World Cup starts this month.
May God’s Holy Spirit guide and inspire you in all the new things that you encounter this month.

Martin Dines