Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 114)

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“Saving St Bartholomew’s”

Den Welch, our former Church Warden and Chairman of the Fabric Committee, has written a book to record, in detail, the work done during the period 1987-2001 – as a permanent record. The book, with introduction by Canon David Winter, will be published nationally.  It is available directly from church at the discounted price of £6.  All proceeds will go to the St…

A letter from your Rector – a generous response?

Following on from our current sermon series and Steve Bold’s talk after last week’s sermon, here is the letter from the Rector-, to the congregation Our Generous Response to our Generous God 2016 Projected expenditure = £45,600 If donations are received from 70 people, then average donation necessary would be 45,600 / 70 / 52 =  £13.00 per head per week If…

Our generous response to a generous God

Do listen again to today’s sermon from Paul.  It is the culmination of the last few weeks theme in our services where we have explored what prompts our giving, motivated in response to our relationship with God.  The sermon finishes with a talk from Dr Steve Bold explaining why St Bartholomew’s has to raise money and why we need to reflect on…

An opening sermon from Bishop Steven

Inauguration as Bishop of Oxford Christ Church Cathedral (30th September 2016) Genesis 12.1-8 and Matthew 5.1-10 May I speak with humility, mercy and joy, May I speak of Jesus and his ways May I speak clearly and with boldness now and always.  Amen. Thank you for your welcome.  Thank you for being here and for the different parts you play in this…